28/10/2022–02/12/2022 / Week 9–Week 14

Hasnol Rafiq Bin Hasnol Raduan / 0356767
Information Design / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media / Taylor's Design School



This is a group project in which we are to choose a song and produce a kinetic typographic animation utilizing the lyrics. Blinds by Amine was chosen by my group. We all selected this music because we believed the flow of the song and the lyrics would produce amazing text effects, plus it's shorter than most tracks. The color palette and text design were inspired by the album cover.

Figure 1.0 - Blinds Album Cover

We chose to divide the word into sections based on the lyrics, with each group member focusing on the kinetic typography of their lyric segment. I began starting out the overall compositional concept.

Due to time restrictions, I chose to just move through with the finalized concepts for the art direction theme, color schemes, and typography. My original plan was to include a lot of effects into the music and match the flow to keep viewer retention high. I intend to make every impact unique, with no effect repetition.

Figure 2.0 - Matching the Lyrics with the Audio in Premiere

Figure 2.1 - Creating the Video

Figure 2.3 - Final Video


Each person is tasked with creating a motion graphic based on their allocated chart. In my situation, I was given the task of animating a Donut Chart.

Figure 3.0 - Progress

Figure 3.1 - Final Video 


I was tasked with animating the image below.


We have to be conscious of the tempo since it affects how effectively the video is transmitted and absorbed by the viewer. When the pacing is too quick, viewers may struggle to keep up with the message or properly digest the material. It is critical to maintain suitable and consistent timing throughout the project.


Working on a kinetic typography project for Amine's song Blinds was a difficult but gratifying experience for our crew. We learnt a lot about the process of making an entertaining and successful kinetic typography video, as well as new design and animation abilities.

One of the most difficult issues we had was developing a visual design that complimented the lyrics and general tone of the song. We spent a significant amount of time experimenting with various fonts, colors, and visual components in order to produce an unified and visually attractive design that reflected the soul of the song. We learnt a lot about the importance of visual design in effectively delivering a message during this process.

Another problem was ensuring that the typography was timed correctly and consistently throughout the film. We spent a significant amount of time fine-tuning the timing of each line to ensure that viewers could easily follow along with the message and completely digest the material. To strengthen the message and provide an interesting watching experience, we also experimented with various motion and animation methods.

Overall, we are pleased with the outcome of our project. We learnt a lot about the process of making a kinetic typography film and developed new abilities in design, animation, and teamwork. We are excited to apply these talents to future projects and to continue to grow in this industry.


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